At the cinema Cinema

The King of the Minimoys

{mosimage}There is
nothing astonishing new in Besson’s movie, but it outstands due to its innocence,
simplicity and the friendly fairy-like characters, the Minimoys, who borrow the
voices of Madonna, Snoop Dogg, David Bowie and Robert De
, among others. The dubbed Finnish version also features the voices of
pop stars like Paula Vesala of PMMP
and rapper Elastinen.

While working
on the films, Besson published a series of children books based on Arthur’s
adventures. More movies based on these books are expected.



Luc Besson on Arthur and the Minimoys

Why did you
choose the film to be part animated and part live action?

I don’t
come from the animation world. For me it is very important that the audience
believes in the story. Making a live action introduction helps us to believe.

The main
characters have the voices of pop stars, how did you come up with that idea?

It was just
a coincidence. The character of Max was inspired by Snoop Dogg. Madonna is a
queen so it was easy for her to lend her voice to a princess. David Bowie…
well, he just has an amazing voice. It was easy to call them. The idea worked so
I suggested that dubbed versions around the world would use pop stars too.

This is
your 10th film. Once you said you would retire from directing when you reach
this milestone. Do you still think this way?

I don’t
know. I’m scared of repeating myself. I need to feel that I still have
something meaningful to say. I burned my first short film because of a friend’s
opinion. He showed that I need to have something to say if I want to make
movies. I learned the hard way.


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