Misc News

Fire interrupts Nightwish gig

The fire started at another wing of congress centre Jyväskylä Paviljonki, where the gig took place. Because of heavy smoke development and the possibility of the fire spreading, the Nightwish fans were told to leave the hall and wait outside the building.

After about half an hour Nightwish were allowed to continue playing, when the fire department had begun extinguishing the fire and the risk of the fire spreading to the concert hall had been ruled out.

Not all fans were immediately aware of the resumption of the gig. Some had reportedly even gone home. The smoke machine used by Nightwish during the performance is also said to have caused some confusion.

The fire broke out when a shield covering a wall during construction works had been blown against a lamp by the wind and caught fire. The flames then spread to the roof of the building.


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Jyväskylä Palviljonki

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