Interviews Music

Interview with Ola Salo (The Ark)


{mosimage}Have you heard any song from the other competitors in Eurovision?
Yes I've heard all of them. 42 songs in a row! It was quite much to take in at the same time so I don't really remember much. But I’ve heard the Finnish song a couple of times and I think that has good possibilities of getting a good placing in the competition.

If The Ark wins, do you fear that it will be remembered as “the band that won Eurovision”?
It doesn't bother me. The people who really listen to our music know its qualities.


Your music was much darker at the beginning. What would you answer to people who think that you have soften your style?
That they probably don't get the bigger picture of what I'm doing. The lyrics of this last album are probably the darkest I've ever written. But the music is dancy, sunny, positive and energetic. That's how I like my music: a bitter pill wrapped in candy foil. You pay a lot of attention to fashion and design.

Do you like to have a lot of personal control on what you wear on stage?
Yeah, I design almost everything I wear myself.


You have sold out for 3 days at Tavastia in Helsinki. Which are your feelings when you come to play to Finland?  
Excitement! Our shows in Finland are always great and the audience is always fantastic. It's our second home country.


Tell us about the last books and films that you liked most.
The other day I saw Spike Jonze’s Adaptation again. I think it was the fourth time I saw it but it was even more amazing this time. It's been a long time ago since I finished a book. I start reading many but I only finish a few. Right now I'm reading The Picture of Dorian Gray -funnily enough I've never read it before!


What band on earth would you like to play with (alive or dead)?
Sly and the Family Stone, as they were around 68.


It is obvious that you attract a lot of fans, overall among teenage girls. How do you deal with fame? Is it stressful for you?
My life can be quite stressful, so I rent this cottage deep in the forest where there's no electricity, I go there as often as possible and I chop wood, cook food and take long walks in the woods.

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