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Matkakohteena Tallinna

Tallinna on tullut monelle suomalaiselle tutuksi lähinnä päivämatkojen ja laivareissujen myötä. Pieni, mutta tunnelmallinen Tallinna kätkee sisälleen yllättävänkin paljon. Tarjolla on hyvää ruokaa, nähtävyyksiä, ostoskeskuksia sekä viihdettä.

On aika ottaa pintaa syvempi kurkistus vain lyhyen laivamatkan päässä olevaan Tallinnaan. 

Edullista ruokaa

Suomessa ravintolaruoka on ylellisyys. Se on usein viikonlopun huippukohta tai perheloman ylellisyys. Suomessakin on toki olemassa edullisia ravintoloita, mutta Tallinnan ravintoloiden hintataso pesee monin paikoin esimerkiksi Helsingin varsin selkeästi. 

Tallinnassa hyvää ja edullista ruokaa löytyy monesta eri paikasta, ja kun osaa suunnata kaikkein pahimmista turistirysistä vanhan kaupungin keskeltä hieman kauemmaksi laskee ruoan hinta merkittävästi. Myös vanha kaupunki pitää sisällään lukuisia erittäin suosittuja ja hyviä ruokapaikkoja. 

Vanhankaupungin lukuisten ravintoloiden lisäksi purtavaa löytyy esimerkiksi Rotermanni-keskuksesta sekä satamasta. Lisäksi ravintoloita löytyy myös Vapaudenaukion liepeiltä Solaris- ja Kaubamaja-kauppakeskusten läheltä. 

Edullisten hintojen ansiosta monen ruokalajin lounaat tai illalliset eivät käy kukkarolle kovinkaan pahasti. Samalla voi säästää rahaa, jota voi myöhemmin käyttää esimerkiksi virolaisella kivijalkakasinolla tai netin välityksellä luckycasinolla. 

Nähtävyyksiä jokaiselle

Tallinnassa riittää nähtävää. Kauniit merimaisemat, vanhat linnakkeet sekä lukuisat kirkot ja museot tarjoavat silmänruokaa. Eri paikoissa riittää nähtävää useammallekin eri päivälle ja matkalle. Alle olemme listanneet viisi parasta nähtävyyttä Tallinnassa.


Tallinnan tunnetuin ja suosituin alue on vanhankaupungin alue. Alue kuuluu Unescon maailmanperintökohteisiin, ja se on rakennettu jo 1200-1500 -luvuilla. Vanhastakaupungista löytyy paljon nähtävää, shoppailtavaa sekä ruokapaikkoja. Kauniit rakennukset ja vanhan ajan tunnelma luovat omanlaisensa tunnelman, jollaista on vaikea löytää muualta.


Tallinnan kaupunginmuurit ovat peräisin 1300-luvulta, ja vielä tänä päivänä muurista on jäljellä 1,9 kilometriä sekä 20 tornia. Kaupunginmuurit kiertävät kaupunkia, ja niiden vaikuttava olemus vangitsee katseen. Osaan torneista on mahdollista päästä myös vierailemaan, jolloin Tallinnaa pääsee katsomaan varsin vaikuttavasta paikasta.

Bastionin tunnelit

Bastionin tunnelit liittyvät kaupunginmuureihin, ja niihin on mahdollista tutustua opastetuilla kierroksilla. Bastionin tunneleihin pääsee tutustumaan Kiek in de Kökin puolustustornin kautta. Tornissa pääsee samalla tutustumaan keskiaikaiseen elämään siellä sijaitsevan museon avulla.


Katariinankuja on yksi Tallinnan upeimmista pienistä kujista. Vahvasti keskiaikaista tunnelmaa uhkuva Pyhän Katariinan Kirkon läheisyydessä sijaitseva kuja tarjoaa myös oivat kuvausmahdollisuudet. Kujalta löytyy myös Katariinan kilta, jossa taitavat käsityöläiset valmistavat lasia, koruja sekä ompeleita. 

Viron merimuseo

Tallinnan modernein museo tarjoaa mielenkiintoista tietä merenkulusta sekä sodankäynnistä merellä. Museo sopii hyvin myös lapsiperheille. Perinteisen museo-osuuden lisäksi merimuseosta löytyy myös erilaisia simulaattoreita, joilla voi kokeilla veneellä ajamista tai lentämistä. 

Yllin kyllin viihdettä

Nähtävyyksien lisäksi Tallinna tarjoaa runsaasti erilaisia vaihtoehtoja illanviettoon. Lukuisat baarit, klubit sekä kasinot mahdollistavat viihtymisen yömyöhään asti. Jos majoittuu esimerkiksi Viru-hotellissa, ei baaria todellakaan tarvitse lähteä etsimään pitkältä, sillä samassa rakennuksessa sijaitsee sekä yöklubi että tunnelmallinen baari. 

Edullisia juomia tarjoilevat baarit houkuttelevat kaiken ikäisiä aikuisia luokseen. Tallinnassa  illan jälkeen tili ei välttämättä näytä yhtä tyhjältä kuin Suomessa, sillä juomat ovat huomattavasti edullisempia. 

Jos haluaa päästä kokeilemaan onneaan, paras paikka on Hilton Park Hotellin yhteyteen rakennettu Olympic Casino -ketjun pääkasino. Moderni ja tyylikäs kasino tarjoaa runsaasti pöytäpelejä, automaattipelejä sekä muuta viihdettä. Tallinnasta löytyy lippulaivakasinon lisäksi myös runsaasti muita kasinoita. 

Kasinon pelaaminen onnistuu toki myös netin kautta. Jos pitkän päivän jälkeen mieli ei tee kivijalkakasinolle on ratkaisuna nettikasinot. Nettikasinoiden kautta voi pelata samoja kasinopelejä, joita löytyy myös fyysiseltä Olympic Casinolta. 

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Gold Panning World Championships invite gold panners to Finnish Lapland in August 2019!

The World Gold Panning Championships began in Tankavaara, in the magical landscape of Finnish Lapland in 1977. This summer the gold rush of Lapland will turn 150 years old as the World Championships return to their roots by bringing together gold panning competitors from 26 countries. The Gold Panning World Championships Festival will take place in Tankavaara Gold Village, Sodankylä on 5th – 10th of August.  

The World Championships in Lapland are a great experience for the whole family, whether they come to compete or to watch. Before the World Championships, the Finnish Open Gold Panning Championships also happens there, on the August 2nd – 3rd. The whole week consists of different competitions, entertainment and activities. During the championships you can experience the magical endless day of the Arctic summer, which is very special with its 24/7 sunlight. The event program and schedule are updated on the event’s site

There is also a category for beginner gold panners, so if you haven’t tried it before, you can still take part in the competition: but others are pro-panners, naturally! The rules of the competition are quite easy: the winner is the one who finds all the hidden gold nuggets the fastest! Both Championships will be organized in cooperation with the Gold Prospectors Association of Finnish Lapland together with Tankavaara Gold Village

Maintaining History – Gold panning in responsible way  

At Tankavaara Gold Village, gold is still panned on a small scale. The village is home to real gold prospectors, who are prospecting ‘the old way’ with a shovel. In recent years, the community has worked hard to make the whole process of gold-panning in the area more ecological and responsible, resulting in their own Certified Gold of Lapland network. By joining the network, the prospector and gold- and jewelry-smiths can get their gold ecologically and responsibly certified. Certified gold prospectors are committed to following mining and environmental legislations and the orders and instructions given by the controlling authorities. They also aim to carry out the mining guidelines given by The Gold Prospectors Association of Finnish Lapland and to develop more environmentally friendly actions all the time. 

“We are very happy to invite everyone to Tankavaara to experience the spirit of gold panning. When you try it yourself, it’s easy to see why finding gold with your own hands has caused such a rush in a history. It still has the same magic today.” says Marko Touru, owner and CEO of the Gold Village. He holds the World Gold Panning Championship title in the two-person team category, has gathered over 100 medals for individual and team competitions all over the world and also participates in the competition. 

The experiences of Tankavaara Gold Village and surroundings 

Tankavaara is located in an area of Finnish Lapland called Sompio. This areas also houses the Gold Prospector Museum, where visitors can get information on the gold prospecting history of Finland and the rest of the world. Tankavaara Gold Village offers daily gold panning activities as well as cottage and apartment accommodation. The restaurant ‘Old Gold Prospector’ is open every day. Gold Village accommodations are in the surrounding area, and camping is also situated near the competition area. The magical landscape of Lapland is nearby and easy to reach. Urho Kekkonen National Park is a stone’s throw from Tankavaara, an area full of nature trails leading to spectacular views. Reindeer can be seen in Sompio anytime, anywhere. Tankavaara is easy to reach by flying to Lapland’s main airports at Ivalo and Rovaniemi and continuing by bus or car. 

Antonio's blog Blogs

When Finns exceptionally scream

Defining Finns as maybe the most socially awkward society in Europe would certainly be not very far from reality. Known for their introverted and shy behavior, one also has to love them after time spent among them when discovering their honesty, transparency and straightforwardness.

Although in many situations, being surrounded by Finns could resemble the attendance to a funeral due to the absolute silence around, legend says that people heard Finns screaming in exceptional situations such as:

1. When someone leaves the sauna door open.
2. When Finland wins the Hockey World Championship.
3. When Finland loses against Sweden in the Hockey World Championship.
4.When reindeers block the road
5.When at any concert of any band, someone asks to play “Paranoid” (including even in a Black Sabbath concert)
6.When you are the co-pilot of a rally car and a stone goes up your ass.
7.At a night bus at 4:00 a.m. returning home from a bar.
8.Belonging to the Choir of Screaming Men of Oulu.

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Joulu lähestyy – loppuuko aika kesken

Kuinka moni meistä onkaan jouluihmisiä? Kuinka moni laittaakaan ikkunoille ja ulos erilaisia jouluvaloja, ostaa joulukuusen ja koristelee sen ja kiertää stressin vaivaamana ympäri liikkeitä ostaen joululahjoja tutuille ja rakkaille. Riittääkö sinun aikasi tänä jouluna tähän kaikkeen?

Joulukuun 24 luukkua

Me kehitimme itsellemme erilaisen joulukalenterin tälle vuodelle, käyttäen apuna listausta, joka toi netticasinot helposti saataville ja sitä kautta aloittamaan joulukalenterimme.
Joulukalenterimme rakenne lähti siitä, että ensimmäiset kymmenen luukkua saimme listauksen kymmenestä uudesta vuoden 2018 nettikasinosta, eli joulukalenterimme 1-10 luukkua, sai käydä katsomassa, mitä näillä kasinoilla oli tarjolla ja pelattavissa – mutta sai käydä vain sillä yhdellä kasinolla päivässä: luukku 1: Karjala Kasino, luukku 2: Slot Jerry luukku 3:Slotsons, luukku 4: Ahti Games, luukku 5: 888 casino, luukku 6:, luukku 7: No bonus Casino, luukku 8: Royal Panda, luukku 9: 777 ja luukku 10: Bethard.

Sitten seuraavat luukut eli luukusta 11 eteenpäin sai kokeilla järjestyksessä erilaisia kasinopelejä, mutta jälleen vain yhtä peliä per päivä eli luukku: luukku 11: Blackjack, luukku 12: Bingo, luukku 13: Keno, luukku 14: Kolikkopelit, luukku 15: Videopokeri, luukku 16: Baccarat, luukku 17: Noppapeli ja luukku 18: Pai-Gow – nämäkin ovat sivustolla listattuna omalla osiollaan.

Joulun viimeinen viikko ennen lahjojen jakoa

Joulun viimeinen viikko on melkoista vilskettä niin kaupoissa kuin kotona kun kaikki tekevät viimeisiä valmisteluita joulua varten – niissä kodeissa missä jouluruoka valmistetaan itse, ei keittiöön kannata mennä, jollei oikeasti tiedä mitä on tekemässä – onneksi silloin auttaa joulukalenterimme viimeinen viikko eli luukut 19-24. Luukut 19-22 olemme antaneet kasinoarvosteluille, joiden avulla saat lisätietoa kasinoista, joilla et välttämättä vielä ole ehtinyt pelata, mutta jotka ovat tutustumisen arvoisia.

Luukku 19: Viimeiset päivät ennen joulua voi tutustua uusiin kasinoihin arvosteluiden kautta ja luukun 19 takaa löytyy Bethardin kasinoarvostelu.
Luukku 20: Kun vauhtiin päästiin luukun 19 takana, niin luukun 20 takaa löydät 777 casinon arvostelun
Luukku 21: Joulu se vain lähestyy ja luukun 21 takaa löydät arvostelun
Luukku 22: Kaksi yötä jouluun ja luukun 22 takaa löydät 888 Casinon arvostelun.
Luukku 23: Päivää ennen jouluaattoa kannattaa tarkistaa kasinobonukset, ja ne löytyvät myös yhdeltä sivulta.
Luukku 24: Jouluaattona saat sitten siirtyä käyttämään hyödyksesi mahdollisia ilmaiskierroksia, jotka myös löytyvät sivuston omalta sivultaan. Hyvää joulua.

Jouluaatto ja joulupäivä

Kun sitten koko joulukuu ollaan hössötelty menemään ja tulemaan ja rahaa on käytetty enemmän kuin ehkä oli tarkoituskaan niin jouluaaton lahjojen avaamisen jälkeen on aika rauhoittua ja viimeistään joulupäivänä viettää aikaa rauhoittuen. Ja jos olet noudattanut edes suurin piirtein joulukalenterimme luukkuja, on sinulla mistä valita sille, mitä teet joulupäivänä. Olethan tutustunut joulukuun aikana useampaan uuteen nettikasinoon ja pelannut kenties sellaisiakin kasinopelejä, joita et aiemmin ollut pelannut.

Hyvää joulua!

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Näin kasinopelaaminen on muuttunut

Jokainen varmasti arvostaa klassista kasinopelaamista kivijalkakasinolla, ja laittaa mielellään paremmat vaatteet päälle, nauttii kasinon antimista ja jännityksestä, jonka tuo tieto siitä, että kasinolla voi tapahtua lähes mitä vain. Tästä tunnelmasta pääsee yhä nauttimaan perinteisillä kasinoilla, mutta nykyisin pelaajalla on muitakin mahdollisuuksia päästä kasinotunnelmaan – puhumattakaan nykykasinoiden valtavista pelivalikoimista.

Pelit ovat automatisoituneet

Suurimpia vallankumouksia kasinoalalla lienevät yksikätisen rosvon keksiminen sekä internet. Automatisoidut pelit muuttivat kasinoita, ja toivat erillisiä, täysin hedelmäpeleille omistettuja Arcade-peliluolia. Yksikätinen rosvo kehittyi nopeasti 1900-luvun teknologisen pikajuoksun ansiosta nykyiseen, digitaaliseen muotoonsa.

Kolikkopelien lisäksi myös pöytäpelit ovat saaneet kokea automatisaation voiman. Niistä ei koskaan kehitetty menestyviä, mekaanisia versioita, mutta digitaalisella aikakaudella myös pöytäpeleistä on onnistuttu tekemään digitaalisia versioita, joissa pelaaja pelaa kasinoa vastaan satunnaislukugeneraattorin avulla.

Vuorovaikutus on palannut

Vaikka pelien suhteen on menty digitaalisempaan suuntaan, on yhä enemmän vuorovaikutusta tarjolla. Internetissä on vilkas keskustelukulttuuri, mikä ei ole jäänyt kasinoilta huomaamatta. Vuorovaikutus on ollut lähes alusta asti sidottu pelialaan, ja modernin teknologian keinoin se on onnistuttu liittämään myös rahapeleihin. Alun perin seurapeleinä pelatut pelit ovat palanneet alkulähteilleen livekasinoiden myötä.

Livekasinot alkoivat yleistyä räjähdysmäisesti suoratoiston laadun ja suosion kasvaessa. Usein livepelit lähetetään suorana luksuskasinoilta, mikä tuo niihin vielä enemmän autenttista kasinotunnelmaa. Pelaajat voivat kommunikoida sekä keskenään että jakajan kanssa.

Lisäksi kasinoilla voi olla turnauksia, joissa kilpaillaan toisia pelaajia vastaan. Niitä voidaan järjestää jopa kolikkopelien ystäville, ja kolikkopeliturnaukset voivatkin olla ennestään tuttuja joillekin pelaajille kivijalkakasinoilta. Livepeleissä ei yleensä ole erillisiä turnauksia.

Valinnanvaraa on entistä enemmän

Perinteiset kasinopelit, kuten ruletti, pokeri, blackjack ja kolikkopelit ovat antaneet tilaa harvinaisemmillekin peleille. Suuret kivijalkakasinot ovat aina pystyneet tarjoamaan paremman pelivalikoiman, mutta nykyisin pelaaja pääsee kotoaan käsin pelaamaan baccaratia, punto blancoa, Dragon Tigeria, Omaha Hold ’emiä ja jopa vedonlyönti on löytänyt tiensä kasinoille.
Erilaisia pöytäpelejä löytyy nettikasinoilta sekä automatisoituina versioina että liveversioina. Esimerkiksi Redbet tarjoaa lähes 50 erilaista livepeliä aina Immersive-ruletista Caribbean Stud pokeriin. Useat kasinot tarjoavat myös oman pokeriosionsa, jossa pelataan ladatun ohjelmiston avulla ja voidaan ottaa osaa turnauksiin.

Myös kolikkopelien parissa valinnanvaraa on enemmän kuin koskaan aikaisemmin. Monet kivijalkakasinoiden klassikoista on muutettu internetiin sopivaan muotoon, mutta uusia pelejä ilmestyy jatkuvasti. Suurimmilla kasinoilla on satojen kolikkopelien valikoimat, joista voi etsiä esimerkiksi pelejä kelojen määrän, teeman, toimintaperiaatteen ja toteutuksen perusteella.

Pelata voi missä vain, milloin vain

Mobiililaitteet ovat mullistaneet elämää monilla tavoin, ja ne ovat luonnollisesti vaikuttaneet myös kasinopelaamiseen. Mobiilikasinot ovat yleistyneet, ja lisäksi suurin osa tavallisistakin nettikasinoista toimii myös mobiilissa. Useilla kasinoilla on myös erillinen sovellus, jonka avulla pelaaminen on helpompaa. Pelit ovat siis saatavilla kaiken aikaa, mikä on myös vaikuttanut pelikehittäjien tapaan suunnitella pelejä. Nopeita, pienelle näytölle sopivia ja helppokäyttöisiä pelejä valmistetaan paljon.

Kasinopelaaminen on jatkuvassa muutoksessa

Kivijalkakasinot eivät ole menettäneet rooliaan. Niitä ihannoidaan yhä pop-kulttuurissa, eivätkä internetin kokemukset ole korvanneet täysin oikeassa elämässä tapahtuvia kokemuksia. Kasinot ovat vain saaneet rinnalleen kilpailijoita, jotka tuovat rahapelit myös niiden pelaajien ulottuville, jotka eivät pääse kivijalkakasinolle.
Kasinopelaaminen on kansainvälisten markkinoiden ja internetin ansiosta suositumpaa kuin koskaan, ja alalla tapahtuu jatkuvaa kehitystä. Voisi jopa sanoa, että kasinot pystyvät nykyisin tarjoamaan jokaiseen makuun jotakin. Mobiililaitteet ovat uusin lisäys, mutta varmasti pian päästään näkemään lisää jännittäviä muutoksia pelaamiseen ja uutuuksia pelien saralla.

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Estonian language in Family Guy

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Mr Greenin uusi virtuaalinen live-casino – hitti vai huti?

Blackjack, ruletti, baccarat, pöytäpokerit… Jos olet joskus vieraillut Helsingin Grand Casinolla tai jollain ulkomaalaisella kivijalkacasinolla, olet varmasti nähnyt, kuinka suosittuja nämä perinteiset pöytäpelit oikein ovat. Pelaajat rakastavat edelleen niiden verrattain yksinkertaista pelimekaniikkaa, jossa omilla valinnoilla on kuitenkin tärkeä rooli. Säännöt ja strategia on siis syytä opetella kunnolla, jotta saa peleistä kaiken irti.

Live-casinot tuovat nämä suosikkipelit casinopelaajien ulottuville ympäri maailman. Ne toimivat perinteisten netticasinoiden sisällä omina osioinaan, joihin ei tarvitse luoda erillistä tiliä. Avaamalla tilin netticasinolle saa käyttöönsä myös sen live-casinon – tai live-casinot.

Live Beyond Live – askel kohti aitoa virtuaalista casinokokemusta

Tässä artikkelissa katsastamme yhden Suomen suosituimman casinon, Mr Greenin, uuden live-casinopalvelun, jota kutsutaan vaikuttavalla nimellä ”Live Beyond Live”. Se ei korvaa Mr Greenin jo olemassa olevaa live-casinoa vaan pyrkii tarjoamaan vielä aidomman kokemuksen niille pelaajille, joille perinteinen live-casinokaan ei ole tarpeeksi. Vaan onko herra Vihreä yhtä tyylikäs livenä kuin kampanjoissaan?

Jos olet seurannut pelialaa viime vuosina, saatat muistaa, kuinka suuren hypen saattelemana virtuaalilasit otettiin vastaan. Moni casino alkoi välittömästi suunnitella omaa virtuaalista 3D-peliympäristöään, jossa hyödynnettäisiin virtuaalilaseja, kuten Oculus Riftiä. Idea oli hyvä, mutta toteutus tuntui jäävän kaikilla hieman puolitiehen.

Tästä ei kuitenkaan voi varsinaisesti syyttää casinoita. Virtuaalilaseilla pelaaminen ei ainakaan vielä ole ottanut juurikaan tulta alleen, sillä teknologian taso ja hinta eivät ole oikein tasapainossa. Vaikka Oculus on saanut hyviäkin uutisia, kuten huhtikuussa julkaistava Skyrim VR, joka tukee Oculus Riftiä, lienee hinta kuitenkin sunnuntaipelaajille edelleen liikaa. Esimerkiksi Oculus Rift ja Touch -paketista joutuu edelleen Oculuksen kotisivujen mukaan maksamaan 449 euroa. Ja kun ihmiset jättivät virtuaalilasit hyllyyn, haudattiin idea virtuaalisesta 3D-pelaamisesta myös useimmilla casinoilla hetkeksi.

Mr Greenin Live Beyond Live ei pyri aloittamaan virtuaalilasibuumia uudelleen. Se ottaa sen sijaan fiksusti idean parhaat puolet käyttöönsä ja muokkaa niistä jo yleisessä käytössä olevan nykyteknologian mukaisen tyylikkään sekoituksen. Pelaajat liikkuvat 3D-peliympäristössä ja pelaavat virtuaalisessa casinohuoneessa, mutta kaikki toimii silti nopeasti ja sulavasti, eikä lisälaitteita tarvita. Kaikki modernit älypuhelimet ja tabletit ovat tuettujen laitteiden listalla, joten kuka tahansa voi astua sisään tähän casinomaailmaan missä ja milloin vain.

Tervetuloa Los Angelesiin!

Virtuaalinen casino on siitä mukava paikka, että se voi sijaita missä tahansa. Mr Greenillä on päätetty sijoittaa Live Beyond Live sellaiseen paikkaan, jossa maisemia kelpaa katsella pidempäänkin. Los Angeles on tähän oiva valinta, ja yhteen sen luksuskattohuoneistoista on nyt viritetty tyylikäs pieni casino. Taustalla näkyy öisen kaupungin valoja ja taivasta, jota valaisevat lentokoneet sekä nousevat ja laskevat helikopterit.

Live Beyond Live sisältää kirjoitushetkellä neljä pelipöytää (kaksi rulettia, kaksi blackjackia), joiden ääressä kortteja jakavat ja rulettipyörää pyörittävät oikeat jakajat. Fyysisesti heitä ei toki ole Los Angelesiin saakka lennätetty, mutta virtuaalinen peliympäristö mahdollistaa sen, että pöydät pelinhoitajineen vaikuttavat todella sijaitsevan tyylikkäässä kattohuoneistossa.

Ei mikään aavecasino

Jakajien ja pelipöytien lisäksi casinolla liikkuu myös ihmisiä. Virtuaalicasinoilta tuttuun tyyliin pöytien ääressä istuvat pelaajat ovat todella paikalla, ja voit seurata heidän pelaamistaan samaan aikaan kuin pelaat itse. Neljä pöytää on viritetty pienehköön tilaan niin, että reaaliaikainen videokuva kattaa kerralla ainakin pöydän tai pari. Näin voit katsoa, kuinka muut voittavat viereisissä pöydissä, tai muuttaa kanssapelaajasi kateudesta vihreiksi osumalla itse suurvoittoon. Casinolla pyörii menossa mukana myös Mr Green itse – siis sivuston mainoskampanjoista tuttu vihreään pukuun sonnustautunut herrasmies.

Oman pelipöydän valitseminen onnistuu kahdella tapaa. Nopeimmin uuden pöydän saa valittua yksinkertaisesti klikkaamalla sitä omalla näytöllään. Jos istut esimerkiksi blackjack-pöydässä, mutta haluat siirtyä hetkeksi ruletin pariin, napauta vain pelaajasymbolia kyseisen pöydän ääressä. Pääset siirtymään uuteen pöytään välittömästi, ja olet valmis pelaamaan seuraavalla kierroksella.

Jos haluat kokea vielä aidomman casinoelämyksen, voit lähteä tallustamaan ympäri kattohuoneistoa minikartan avulla. Sen kautta näet kaikki jakajat ja pöytien tiedot, jotta sopivan tuolin valitseminen on helpompaa.

Pöydän vaihtaminen tuo pelaamiseen mukavaa vaihtelua, sillä samalla vaihtuu myös kamerakulma, josta casinoa katselet. Jos esimerkiksi haluat seurata ison panoksen pelejä, mutta jatkaa silti omaa pelaamistasi, voit valita pienemmän panostason pöydän, josta on suora näköyhteys haluamaasi pöytään.

Näin se toimii

Kuten sanottua, Mr Greenin Live Beyond Live on saatavilla ainoastaan mobiililaitteille. Mitään erillistä ohjelmistoa ei tarvitse ladata, mutta pelitili on luotava ennen pelaamisen aloittamista. Toisin kuin tavalliset casinopelit, live-casinopelit eivät ole yleensä kokeiltavissa ilmaiseksi, ja samaa koskee myös Live Beyond Liveä. Sinun on siis tehtävä casinolle pieni talletus, jotta pääset voittamaan virtuaalimuodossa.

Kun tili on avattu, pääset pelaamaan nopeasti. Avaa vain virtuaalicasino, valitse pöytäsi ja istu jollekin vapaista tuoleista. Panoksen valitseminen onnistuu rullaamalla laitteesi ruutua hieman alaspäin. Ole tarkkana, jotta ehdit valita oikean panoksen, ennen kuin pelikierros alkaa – muuten kierros jää sillä kerralla välistä.

Pelisysteemin oppii todella nopeasti, joten Live Beyond Liveä voi huoletta suositella hieman kokemattomammillekin nettipelaajille. Kyseessä on onnistunut kokonaisuus jo nyt, ja jäämme mielenkiinnolla odottamaan, laajeneeko konsepti jatkossa esimerkiksi uusien pelien merkeissä. Ja ehkäpä ne virtuaalilasitkin tulevat vielä…

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Finnish stand up comedian Ismo shows us how ass is the most complicated word in English language

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Helsinki celebrating New Year and the beginning of the 100th anniversary celebrations!

Antonio's blog Blogs

R.I.P. David Bowie

Today one of the greatest artists of the last century, David Bowie, passed away at the age of 69.

I had the luck to see him for first and last time performing live during the year 2004 at Provinssirock festival in Finland. A very fun festival with great environment. Being 24 years old, as you can imagine, the fun was just equally enjoying the music and also the booze and pretty girls around. It was a rainy weekend, but when Bowie appeared on stage the sun appeared on the horizont.

Lizard Dusk

I was not even a huge David Bowie fan at that time, knew a few of his famous songs, but I was at that point more into hard rock and epic heavy metal. However, Bowie not only captivated me, but the whole audience. His charisma on stage was unbelievable, joking with the audience, moving like the star he was, making everybody have a great time putting the cherry on top of the cake to a superb weekend of music. I can certainly say after many years, many concerts and many artists checked live after that night, that Bowie was probably the artist that most unexpectedly blew my mind when I saw him first time live.

Few days after that concert Bowie’s health got worse and he never stepped on stage again, although recently he had released a new album. However, his music and his memories will remain among us. In the years to come, I will always remember with a smile on my face that I was there, I saw the man with the million faces on stage making the audience fall in love. And that piece of memory will remain. Rest in piece Ziggy!

Antonio's blog Articles Blogs Misc

“Choke”, probably the best documentary on MMA ever made

Nowadays Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is a well recognized sport that provokes admirationa nd moves a good amount of money and fans around the world. Right at my office we can have a discussion with my co-workers about Ronda Rousey´s defeat or Emelianenko coming back from retirement like if we would be talking about the latest football match. UFC is a big organization in USA, you can see reality shows in TV channels where future fighters are getting prepared to go pro, the fighters are multidisciplinary athletes that can both perform great standing up, kicking, punching or going to the ground and working on submission techniques…

But if we take a look back not so many years ago, mixed martial arts were pretty much unknown to the great sports public and most of people who had heard about it would consider it a brutal activity done by some crazy violent people. The Gracie family was one of the pioneers to expand MMA to the big audience, and at the same time promote their Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu style, and Rickson Gracie was the jewel of the crown for the family, never officially defeated in any fight before.

What “Choke”, a documentary shot during a Vale Tudo fighting tournament in Japan in 1995 and released in 1999, shows is a period where mixed martial arts was growing and in development, where the fighters were still not so well rounded in multiple disciplines but were more defending their different styles of fighting and where you could see a more brutal way of fighting than nowadays, where the rules are much more measured. At that time, pretty much everything except of hitting the genitals of the opponent would be allowed between fighters.

“Choke” counts with a wide array of memorable moments for the spectator. Apart from the usual and a bit boring ranting from Gracie family members always self promoting their style, you see the real Rickson gracie backstage between fights. The documentary revolves about his figure: masculine, handsome, dominant. But he also shows that outside that facade, he is also like the rest of the fighter human, nevous before a fight, sometimes humble, sometimes big-mouthed.

As some mythical scenes and moments to remember we can see Rickson godalike enjoying the energy of the freezing water under a cascade in a Japanese river, his umbelievable training and movement of his abdominal muscles like they would not belong to his body (maybe you remember to have watched exactly the same if you saw “The Hulk” movie with Edward Norton training with Rickson in Brazil), the recognition in front of the camera of holding the rule not to have sex with his wife 2 weeks prior a fight, the moment at the fighting venue when he surprises his brothers telling he literally needs to take a crap seconds before having to go to the arena to fight, Rickson throwing Yamamoto during his first fight out of the ring noticeably pissed off at him for holding on the ropes all the time, his cat flip on the air during his fight with Kimura (his son Rockson, sadly deceased years after this documentary on a motorbike accident, commenting in the dressng room that he saw him flying like Superman) the moment before the final of the the fight when suddenly he says he wants next time to get a belt as a champion instead of a trophy…

Choke Rickson Gracie

The show however gets partially stolen from Rickson by the other finalist of the fighting tournament, the small but brave Japanese Yuki Nakai. A small wrestling specialist that subsequently will lose the vision in one eye due to his fight with Gerard Geordeau (who will pass to the history as one of the dirtiest MMA fighters ever stepping onto a ring) who soccer kicked him on the head and gouged on his right eye. Nakai shows a total lack of concert about his own health, and as a true samurai, challenges guys double his size. He also became a legend by hiding for years that this tournament provoked him to be blind in one eye for the rest of his life just to protect the reputation of mixed martial arts. On favour of Rickson Gracie, we have to say that he avoided as much as possible punching Nakai on the face and moved the fight just to a grappling match.

The documentary is not the best technically shot, neither has the best structure or dialogues. But nowadays you cannot deny is an instant classic to understand the roots of MMA sport. And the best is that is fully available for free in Youtube to watch. Enjoy:

Concerts FREE! Blog Music

Swiss Metallers Herod Debut New Video On Noisey Ahead Of Deathcrusher Tour!

Teutonic Quartet’s New Clip Announce Ahead Of Support Slot on Deathcrusher Tour With Carcass, Napalm Death, Obituary & Voivod This Winter!

Swiss noise mongers Herod have premiered their latest video, Northern Lights, through Noisey on October 13th ahead of their upcoming slot as part of the stunning Deathcrusher tour; opening for legendary death metallers Carcass, grindcore overlords Napalm Death, Floridian extremists Obituary and Canadian thrash gods Voivod!

The video can be seen here –


The dates for the tour are:

Friday, 23 October – Wulfrun Hall – Wolverhampton, UK
Saturday, 24 October – Barrowlands – Glasgow, UK
Sunday, 25 October – Limelight 1 – Belfast, Northern Ireland
Monday, 26 October – Vicar Street – Dublin, Ireland
Tuesday, 27 October – Motion – Bristol, UK
Wednesday, 28 October – Northumbrian University – Newcastle, UK
Thursday, 29 October – The Forum – London, UK
Friday, 30 October – The Ritz – Manchester, UK
Saturday, 31 October – Trixzaal – Antwerpen, Belgium
Monday, 2 November – Live Music Hall – Köln, Germany
Tuesday, 3 November – L’Usine – Geneva, Switzerland
Wednesday, 4 November – Longhorn – Stuttgart, Germany
Thursday, 5 November – Folimanka Hall – Prague, Czech Republic
Friday, 6 November – The Factory – Magdeburg, Germany
Saturday, 7 November – Aalborg Metal Festival – Aalborg, Denmark
Sunday, 8 November – Tradgar’n – Gothenburg, Sweden
Monday, 9 November – Arenan – Stockholm, Sweden
Wednesday, 11 November – B90 – Gdansk, Poland
Thursday, 12 November – Rprogresija – Warsaw, Poland
Friday, 13 November – Täubchenthal – Leipzig, Germany
Saturday, 14 November – Music Hall – Gieselwind, Germany
Sunday, 15 November – Simm City – Vienna, Austria
Monday, 16 November – Backstage – Munich, Germany
Tuesday, 17 November – Estragon Club – Bologna, Italy
Thursday, 19 November – Schlachthof – Wiesbaden, Germany
Friday, 20 November – Astra Kulturhaus – Berlin, Germany
Saturday, 21 November – Speedfest – Eindhoven, Holland
Sunday, 22 November – Garage – Saarbrucken, Germany
Monday, 23 November – La Cigale – Paris, France
Tuesday, 24 November – Le Transbordeur – Lyon, France
Thursday, 26 November – Sala Riviera – Madrid, Spain
Friday, 27 November – Cine Teatro – Lisboa, Portugal
Saturday, 28 November – Sala Santana 27 – Bilbao, Spain
Sunday, 29 November – Sala Razzmatazz – Barcelona, Spain

Initially the brainchild of guitarist Pierre Carroz, Herod formed in Switzerland back in 2011 and have since gone on to carve a solid niche for themselves in the realm of head crushingly heavy metal with their 2014 release “They Were None”. Recorded by renowned Swiss producer Julien Fehlmann (The Ocean, Coilguns and Unfold) and mastered by Svante Försback (Volbeat and Rammstein), “They Were None” was met with universal praise by the media, and has seen the band go on to tour Europe a number of times.

Be sure to catch this stunning outfit this winter when they rip a blackhole through Europe with some of the finest extreme metal bands on the planet!

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Steven Tyler and the street musicians

The charismatic leader of Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, seems to enjoy surprising street musicians wherever he goes. If not so long time ago, you could have seen him in the heart of Helsinki replacing a street musician in a curious set of bottles (which you can still see nowadays played every day if you walked around Aleksanterinkatu street), there are other famous viral videos circulating in Youtube where he joins a couple of beautiful classic street musicians in the streets of Vilnius, the capital or Lithuania, or more recently, when he surprises another musician in Moscow and starts to sing his hit “I do not want to miss a thing“. Steven, what a legend both on stage and on the streets!!!

Blogs FREE! Blog Outside Finland Travel

The Formula for Happy Traveling

Backpacking has become one of young Finns’ favorite hobby. Born under the Aurora Borealis, nature’s own spectacular light show, people are later willing to travel a great distance to chase other wonders of the world. Perhaps you, too, have always wanted to hike the Inca Trail to see the first rays of sun falling on the ancient city of Machu Picchu in Peru? Or maybe it is walking along the Great Wall of China or imagining gladiators fighting for their lives at the Roman Colosseum that truly thrills you?

To a number of people being on the road is a life choice. For some, it symbolizes the ultimate freedom and detachment from material things, while others focus on broadening their horizon, having an experience that can later be told to friends with great excitement and nostalgia. And who would not want to have their picture taken next to a breath-taking scenery, an exotic animal or a new friend with whom to communicate only by using sign language?

While it is true that places the essence of which even the best cameras cannot quite capture exist in this world, witnessing these locations requires initiative and effort. Maybe you have always wanted to travel more, but other commitments and duties, perhaps financial, have put the long-needed decisions on ice?

Luckily, there are solutions. To secure the success of your trip of a lifetime you just need to navigate to the best online deals to save money on your travel arrangements


Today flying is an ever-cheaper option to reach distant continents. Affordable flight tickets are compared for you by different websites, which does not only save up your time, but helps you to spot the best prices at a glance. And it does not end there. In order to really help you manage the budget of your unforgettable journey-to-be, Internet also offers you coupon codes to save on your flight reservation. Look out for the codes prior to reservation and be surprised at the checkout.

While some independent travelers are adventurous enough to choose camping or couchsurfing as a form of accommodation, the rest of us appreciate a fun yet clean hostel or a good-quality hotel. After all, a good night’s sleep is essential to enjoy new sites. Perhaps you have already browsed through a few websites and picked a couple of accommodation alternatives for your trip based on prices and reviews? What if you got told that the cost of your future stay might not be as final as your decision to book it? To lower the price of hostels and hotels all over the world you only need to look for vouchers. Suddenly the minimum effort of simply noting down a short voucher code to get 10% discount starts to seem a small price to pay.

Experienced traveler or not, the most important thing is that you are hungry for a new experience and always keep an open mind. Leaving the cozy comfort zone is never easy, but there are things that help. Whether you wish to encounter the new world by yourself or with a friend, a good gear is an essential companion to any thrill-seeker. You might notice that the nearer your trip, the more you flick through web shops offering adventure-proof clothing, trekking gear or sports equipment. In order to live up to the title of a true budget-traveler, it is worthwhile to keep an eye for discount codes. They give the finishing touch to organizing and financing your journey budget-friendly and hassle-free.

Before you know it, you will be making your dreams come true.

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Tinder in Finland from a male perspective (Part 1).

Yes, I use Tinder and I am not ashamed of it. I am not alone, many single (and a few non single people) use it too. The story usually goes as a friend recommends you to use it and you give it a try, as was my case when a couple of friends mentioned it the same week.

The trend to have dates from online apps is increasing in Finland and in many other countries although there is still a certain taboo to talk about it. But the reality is here, we live in a fast paced world busy with work and hobbies and studies and friends and there is a point where is not so easy to find nice interesting people in everyday life. Here applications such as Tinder make our life easier, simple to use and start chatting with people you consider attractive.

I want to divide this series of articles about Tinder in two parts. The second part will go to share simple but effective tips to other male users about what I think that works the best and what not in Tinder when you are a male user in Finland. This first part I just wanted to share my thoughts about the many female profiles I have seen through the months.

I want to make clear that I write this as a sarcastic and humoristic article. We are far from surprised when we see in women’s magazines articles about what the men SHOULD NOT do in a date or in their profiles online, but we seem to forget how funny can be to apply those rules when you see Tinder from male eyes. So I just wanted to write a list of what NOT TO DO for women who would use Tinder. I guess that some people could be offended for what is written here. Please do not. Just take it not so seriously as a male opinion, some things said here could be agreed by many other men or some women and some things here are very personal views that maybe are totally distorted, but at the bottom, this is just to put a smile on your face when you reflect about what is written here and maybe a thought could come to your mind such as “I have seen that in a profile too!


1. Please put a photo there if you want to use your profile.

Empty profiles with no photos do not say anything to us men. We are visual animals, we are not going to like your profile thinking that you can be the shy princess of our dreams and when we chat, then you will send an amazing picture of a beautiful lady. We want to see how you look like, and we want to see it clear, not with a blurry photo or a photo copied from a Disney movie. If your profile is empty, we will think you are just stalking here for the sake of it, which in some cases could be true.

2. Social yes, but no need to overdo it.

It is cool you show a photo with your friends, but there is no need that you are surrounded by friends in every photo. In fact, if that happens, we will not know who you are among the group. Also, if your friends are hotter than you, that is not going to play in your favour, as most of guys will think that would be nicer to date your friend than you. Post one photo with friends if you wish to show you are not a loner, but think which one you choose.

2. We do not like pictures where you appear with other guys in a loving attitude.

I have seen all kind of these pictures, from some with the gay friends to others that look obvious you appear with the ex boyfriend (or maybe still boyfriend) or the ex husband. This is a dating site and it is really a turn off for a man to see you looking with loving puppy eyes to other guy. Special mention to those women who post photos with a wedding dress or in a wedding ceremony. Most guys will reject your profile faster than you said yes to your ex husband in your wedding ceremony.

3. No children please.

You cannot imagine the amount of women’s profiles that show photos of their babies and children. Children are great, we agree, I love my daughter’s children. The problem is that I do not think that a dating app. is a place to post photos of your children. You do not know who is looking at the other side and nowadays takes 1 second to take a screenshot of a photo. Yes, I understand many women want to make clear they “come with a package” and they have family, but honestly, you can tell about that later when chatting. And if the point to show your children is that you are secretly looking for the next father, relax, 95% of the guys do not want that kind of pressure from date one.

I come with a package

5. The gym selfies.

Many women have told me they find stupid the male’s profiles where they take selfies without t-shirt in the gym. Well, these kind of pictures are also commonly posted by girls. Imagine actually how ridiculous is the situation to have to stand in front of your gym’s mirror waiting for nobody to being around to snap a photo of the great workout you just had… Yes, surely we like fit women, but you do not need to post all your five profile photos at the gym. As far as you look nice and take care of yourself, in fact we do not give a fuck if you do a lot of sports or not, off the record for many guys is actually a turn off if you happen to have more muscles than them. So it is cool you like doing sports but no need to show only that side of your life, if you happen to live all day every day at the gym, then probably you are missing other important things in life, like reading a good book…

4. “I love my pets among all the things on the surface of the Earth.”

Yes, you have cats or dogs and you love them. Sure, we men love animals too. But we do not get depressed when our cat suffers from diarrhea. Point here is that surely a photo with your cat or dog is cute, but there is no need to post all five with them. It will end up giving us the impression that you are suffering some case of life crisis where you do not have much social life and you get surrounded by animals to balance the lack of affection from friends or lovers. Which could not be such a wrong shot in some cases…

5. I want to look ugly on purpose so you will fall in love with me just for who I truly am inside!

We do not need that you look like the Queen of Saba in your first profile picture, but surely we men like if you post a nice photo, not blurry and not wearing your most horrible pyjamas while putting a mockery face to the camera. This is a dating app. Try to present yourself at your best. And please smile, it does not cost so much and it makes a huge difference.

8. The cliché sentences in the description.

“I am selfish, impatient and a little insecure… etc etc”. Do those lines ring a bell? Probably, as the infamous words by Marilyn Monroe appear copied in one of every twenty female profiles you see around.

Well, let me break the news from you. First, you are not Marilyn Monroe, sadly but she is dead. The same I happen not to be George Clooney or Brad Pitt. And most of rational men would hopefully run away from people who are selfish, impatient and insecure. So if you think that those lines from Marilyn define your personality, I would say that you have a problem in your life and you should seek for assistance. There are other classics that most women use like “Live, love laugh” or super philosophical things like “you make your own luck” or “you can be as happy as you choose to be” etc.

Well, all those great lines really do not say much to us men. We do not choose how happy we are when we have a huge loan to pay back to the bank or our boss is busting our balls at the office on daily basics. If we would choose to be happy, then we would choose to win the Eurojackpot and buy our own island in Caribe surrounded by an army of hot bisexual models that would assist all and every one of our needs. But we cannot choose that. So why don’t you put something nice and simple about what are your tastes and what kind of person you think you truly are? Believe me, if you like sci-fi movies or videogames, you already have gained half of a heart of a man. The other half comes if you give great head, but yeah, we are not expecting that you share that kind of info in your profile description.

Great pic and collaterally showing my ass

9. According to most tall girls in Tinder, short guys can shoot themselves and die fast.

Classic beginning of a profile description: “1.76 cm” followed by some other couple of words. So like really..? The most important feature of yourself is how tall you are? Yes, I know I know is a clear message that says “I do not like shorter guys than me”. Well girl, in that case, you are really missing to get to know a lot of great guys out there. I personally find so impolite when the first sentence a girl writes to you is to ask “how tall are you?” How would a woman feel if a man wrote in the description that only expects to meet girls with boobs DD size and up?

Height is something that a man cannot change, same than age. Remember girls your ex was probably a tall guy and that did not stop him from being a fucking asshole. It is not like you gain more neurones per centimetre grown…

10. Posting the same photo.

You have 4 photos posted in your profile and they are just the same photo repeated 4 times. We got the idea with the first one, thank you.

11. Everybody can follow how mega super hyper cool I am in Instagram.

This is almost a rule in the description field of most hot young girls, to include in the description field their Instagram user name. I personally do not use Instagram, but even if I use it, I do not see the point in Tinder. Yes, we already saw in your pics in Tinder that you look fine, then what we want is chat with you and set a date. We do not need to see your other 100 photos in Instagram of your cats, what you prepare for breakfast and how nice was the beach in Thailand where you were last summer. Maybe some chicks just expect a model hunter recognizes them as the next super top model. Probably many just do it to show off because girls love attention, we have to recognize it. Point is that we do not care so much what is your Instagram account. Say something about yourself instead: are you a person with a good heart, friend of her friends, faithful and trustful? At least those features seemed to matter not so long time ago apart from how great you look tanned at the beach…

Remember that Tinder is full of beautiful young girls and competence is ferocious. Try to make a difference and show that you are more than a nosed up girl who only craves attention.

12. “Why am I framed as an easy party girl?”

Number one complaint of women in Tinder is probably that most guys want sex. Well, I do not want to enter to argue about that, as I do not like the old cliché of “all men being perverts and all women innocent flowers”. I guess everybody likes sex in good company when chemistry kicks in. But the perception of the guys is not gonna be exactly as you are girlfriend material if your pics, specially your profile pic, shows yourself half naked or with your boobs about to jump out of your dress, or if in every one of your five photos you are holding an alcoholic beverage and partying in the club. And yeah, for us men there is no big difference between you wearing a tiny bikini and sexy underwear, we know the tiny bikini it is just the socially accepted way you can show most of your flesh. Just saying.

Note: profiles with photos of beautiful women that state in the description they want straight sex and contain a url link to a site are 100% always fake.

I never seem to find suitable clothes to cover myself

13. “I have so super healthy lifestyleeee and you have to be like me.|

Yes, you are addicted to gym, you do yoga and drink smoothies and you do not smoke. Great for you. A man does not need to be like you. Men want to date a girl, but that does not mean we want to go to train every day to the gym with that girl or we have to quit smoking because of you or not drinking beer anymore or having to join zumba lessons just cause you love it. It is good you take care of yourself. Just do not make it an obsession like if any man who does not live as healthy as you is not worthy to talk to.

14. I love travelling!

Well, guess what, everybody loves travelling! But sadly most people have to work to pay bills, so it is not like you can travel every week. I appreciate well-travelled women as it really avoids having a narrow-minded perception of the world, but really, you do not need to show off in all your photos how many amazing trips you have done. The sad reality is that probably most of the days after work you just arrive home, put on the pyjamas and lay on the sohva watching your favourite TV series and eating candy while daydreaming of that prince in shiny armour, tall, sporty, rich, kind and amazing lover that you never seem to find in Tinder.

15. Flashback in time.

In the first photo you look cute and thin and then in every next picture you look older and older and more overweight. Yeah, it is true we men are a bit blind to notice changes in women, but believe me, if your first pic is taken 15 years younger than the last one, we will notice. And unfortunately for overweighed girls, just because you post photos showing only your face, it does not mind we will not realize what you are trying not to show there.

16. “I am just looking for new friends!”

Right, maybe you want to make it believe that to your friends, couple, husband or even in some kind of self denial to yourself. But we know this is a dating app. and you are scanning the market if “somebody special” pops up to spice up your life. And deep inside you, you know it too…

17. “I am just looking for a serious boyfriend, not casual dating nor one night stands”

Is not putting a little bit of too much pressure from first date to look for only your next husband (or ex husband). Besides, probably 80% who say they do not look for one night stands from Tinder is because actually they have had one night stands with guys from Tinder.

You are going to be my next ex husband

18. The men hater style.

Other classical female profile, usually posting sexy photos while telling in the description how she hates players and she knows everything as she has been around followed by a long list of the kind of guys that is better never to meet. Well, this is a dating app., so is this not about going with open mind to meet interesting people how this should work?

If your view is that all men suck, then maybe you should not use Tinder or just select to see other female profiles if you are into women. There are some lines I have seen in women’s profiles such as “I love more my dogs than any man I have met” that are really offensive and sexist towards men, and probably if a man would write something similar about women, he would be labelled in 0.1 seconds as a chauvinistic pig. A man should not have to apologize for being a man the same that no woman should have to apologize for being a woman; equality rules as far as there is respect.


And after that list, many readers could think. Ok, so then men do not like any kind of profile at all? Not true. I am not going to deny that most men are simple straightforward creatures, so probably just with a couple of very sexy pics, you will have the 95% of male matches secured. But we are talking here not just about the looks, but about how to present yourself attractive in general as a quality woman, not just like a piece of ass in a thong to have men fantasizing about you.

Having a nice and attractive female profile is not so difficult, and in fact women know much better than men how to select the photos that suit them best. Just select some photo where you look nice, no need to overdo it with the sexiest dress in the world or tones of make up but make the effort to select a photo where you feel pretty at your best and you have made an effort to look good, just with some nice photos of you and one of a hobby would do, followed by some short description of what floats your boat, what are your passions, hobbies or what kind of people you would like to meet. No need to write the Bible there either, you can chat more later. Be honest, be friendly and be nice. And if you have good sarcastic sense of humor, show that too, we men love a woman with good sense of humour who does not take things too serious and is not a drama queen.

There will be farther a lot of time to chat or talk face to face and get to know each other. Remember, try not to be too bitchy from the beginning, because in fact, when your profile is dismissed, there are tones of other pretty girls in the line. So be yourself, be positive, be friendly and be a bit flirty too if you wish so. There are many cool guys out there waiting for your match, and life is too short to waste great company!