Albums Music

{mosimage}One of the most complete compilations of the best Finnish rock hits of the past year.

Now that 2008 has just finished, it is an excellent time to make balance of all what the Finnish rock and metal scene offered during 2008. And surely, nobody can deny that it is going through a sweet moment, with veteran bands in good shape and new interesting ones appearing behind every stone. In this double CD you will find a bit of everything among the 32 tracks: heavyweights of Finland´s rock scene such as Nightwish, The Rasmus, Negative, Apulanta o the Euro-Teräsbetoni together with new blood with young bands of excellent quality such as Automatic Eye, Lovex (these ones are young but veterans) Dirty Fingernails or the dangerous girls of Pintandwefall. And as the cherry on top of the cake, one of the best melodic rock bands that you can find in Europe nowadays: Brother Firetribe.  

As all the albums that try to gather material from so many different bands, there are good and bad sides. It is an excellent chance to discover new Finnish bands, or an excellent album to give as a present to a friend eager to discover the rock music of Finland, but it does not scratch much deeper, and mixes bands that go from punk to merely pop. If you go to the official website of the album, there is the chance to listen to a sample of every song, which surely will make easier the decision of purchasing the album and will avoid unpleasant surprises about what to expect there (although it is pretty obvious what to expect there).


All in all, I enjoyed listening to the selection and the album shows once more that Finland and its music really kick ass!  

Rating 4/5.

Antonio's blog Blogs

Happy 2009!

A new year starts (shit, it seems to be yesterday when they were announcing the end of the world with the arrival of year 2000…), and FREE! Magazine is still here to offer you more interesting features, stories, reviews, interviews and prices.

From my personal point of view, 2008 was a tough year. I spent half of it trying to look for a job, and the other half trying to recover from all the previous months without job. Situation led to my temporal move from Finland to Estonia to work with an IT company, but one also learns important lessons from the bad times. Even though the difficulties, I was able to graduate with a MD at Tampere University, and continued writing for FREE! Magazine and other publications inside and outside Finland, although not having always all the time wanted to improve the contents.

happy 2009

Music, overall rock music, has been the spine of FREE! Magazine in 2008, but I still hope that we can offer more diversity in this new year, focusing also not only in happenings that take place in Finland but as well on a more general landscape that could include all Scandinavian and Baltic countries. And as always, you are more than welcome to participate with your comments, ideas and help. If you want to be in direct contact, you can easily drop me a few lines to:

For the moment, we know that in 2009 Metallica and AC/DC will visit Finland again, so this year cannot be so bad (even including worldwide crisis), can it?

Cinema DVD

Petollinen Suhde (Deception)

{mosimage}A game of sex, power and betrayal for a movie that reunites to 2 heavyweights of Hollywood: Hugh Jackman and Ewan McGregor.

Having Jackman and McGregor in a tête à tête dressed with expensive suits and chasing beautiful girls (such as the always delicious Michelle Williams) seemed to be a secure way of success. And certainly the movie is entertaining for the first 15-20 minutes. After that, better forget about it. Everything turns to be too predictable; the characters lose their colour and seem to be a parody of themselves and the script leaks every ten seconds of action with some absurd situation.  It is very easy to say that this “Deception” really makes honour to its title, but that is the total truth of it.

Unless you are a super fan of Jackman behaving as the perfect snob, you will feel bored like hell and praying for the movie to end quickly without adding more pain to your eyes. As an example, for me the funniest part of watching this movie was when reading the interesting and funny posts in imdb page with people looking for authentic list where letting fly their sexual desires, or hilarious lists of fails and bugs in the script (and the list reached over 100 after a few posts…).

A pity that director Marcel Langenegger and writer Mark Bomback wasted so much good talent and a nice original idea, turning it into one of the worst disappointments of the last year.

Rating 2/5

Misc News

Automatic Eye at EuroSonic

Cinema DVD

Eagle vs. Shark

{mosimage}One of the indie movies of 2008. Follow the awkward love story of two misfits trying to find their own little corner in the world. 

One thing you can say about Eagle vs. Shark. It is not the stereotypical movie about a love story. The characters are social outcasts who do not even make a big effort to integrate with the rest of the society, which is the reason maybe the reason why finally they turn to be so appealing and touching. Shot in New Zealand and directed by Taika Cohen, the film combines some good moments, like when they are at the party playing videogames dressed with their customs or the final fight with the old school bully with other not so brilliant. Some up and downs, but all in all, a consistent product. If you enjoyed watching Napoleon Dynamite, probably you will feel identified again with this one, but I must confess I had more fun watching ND. 

If you like unconventional movies with some twisted sense of humor, you will love this film. It is the kind of movie that you can love or hate, but certainly will not leave you indifferent after watching it. Worthy the effort to take a look at it and decide yourself! 

Rating 3/5.

Albums Music

Marshall Law – Razorhead

{mosimage}If you like British Power Metal, certainly you are going to be delighted listening to the new album of Marshall Law. 

The band is not new in the metal scene. With seven albums behind their backs and a career that spins around 2 decades, they feature their new studio album, a result of a long process of 3 years of writing and recording. If you are into bands like Saxon or Judas Priest, then definitely you will be into this immediately after turning on  your stereo. Andy Pyke´s vocals sounds charismatic, and the homonymous track of the album, Razorhead, is a great example of what they offer: cutting guitar riffs, blowing drums and no time to retake your breath. Gods of Deception or Night Terror are also a couple of good examples why to purchase this one. 

The good thing is that this work is a solid album of power metal. The bad feature is that basically does not add much new to the genre. Veteran metal heads will be happy to include it in their CD collection, but maybe younger ones prefer to skip it in search or more adventurous musical experiences. 

Rating 3/5.    

Albums Music

Gothminister – Happiness in Darkness

{mosimage}Third album for this Goth cult band that has enjoyed during the last decade great success in Germany or Holland with their danceable songs. 

The lovers of goth indunstrial music are just shaking with joy with the come back of the Norwegian Gothminister. There are not big changes with predecessors’ albums, the band continues with the similar formula that so good results brought in the past: danceable tracks able to hit the dance floors of the clubs, such as Dusk till Dawn or Your Saviour. There is also space for more introspective and beautiful tracks like Darkside and more ravaging ones like the catchy Freak, paying homage to the classic Michael Jackson’s Thriller song. 

All in all, a good work that does not make you feel bored at all, although sounding classic and familiar at the same time. A must have for goth music fans who like to move their feet in the dark of the night. 

Rating 3/5.      

Albums Music

Silentrain – Wrong Way to Salvation

{mosimage}This young formation is hitting hard and mercilessly! You will have to see them soon opening for Lauren Harris in Helsinki.

Silentrain are coming from Kitee, the same small population near the Russian border that saw the birth of Nightwish. And you can find some similarities in the style between both bands, although here you can find maybe a more direct classical approach to metal instead of so much symphonic ornamentation. Previously known as Dunces (the new name sounds much better, don’t you think?), they feature their third studio album, first one with StayHeavyRecords.

What you will find here is a good collection of metal. Great work with the instruments by the guys, you can notice that here are many hours of hard practice in their backs, and from the beginning the album sounds solid and well produced, with the epic Until You Break giving a great start and No More representing an awesome follow-up. Broken has a similar sound to the great Nightwish classics, maybe a bit more thrashy instead of harmonic, but it perfectly works and Ride with the Devil has that touch of instant classic that makes it be my favorite track of the album. Marko Kämäräinen makes a great job with the vocals, and certainly the impression is that the band has been on the road for longer time than actually has.

Added to this, the CD artwork is great, so the band can feel totally satisfied with the result of the album. I hope that after new chances to play in front of bigger audiences will appear soon for these talented metal heads.

Rating 4/5.

Cinema DVD


{mosimage}Disney and Pixar release one of the most innovative animation movies in the history of cinema. Join this little robot in its amazing quest! 

With no doubt, this is the most “adult” animation movie that the privileged brains of Pixar have created so far. That does not mean that children would not enjoy it also. Wall-E is able to touch the hearts of all just with a shocking visual display and a great script, where dialogues are almost non-existent (the first human dialogue appears long after the first half an hour of the movie). Maybe you do not encounter here the hilarious humor of other previous great movies like Toy Story’s saga, but Wall-E digs much deeper, with robots that have feelings more humans than the humans themselves, flourishing topics like loneliness, love, commitment… It is a small homage to all the great science-fiction movies (probably you won’t miss the connection between Autopilot and 2001. A Space Odyssey) but at the same time it places far from being just a rip-off.

Just after watching the movie, my first thought was that it was not as entertaining as other animation movies. Then, reflecting about it, everything made sense. Wall-E is far beyond the animation genre, it becomes simply a beautiful piece of cinema, leaving you with the impression that you assisted to something magical and beautiful; the essence of cinema itself.

Rating 4/5

Interviews Music

Biting the forbidden fruit

If you are in Finland, you can spend the night in an Omena hotel, you can listen to music in your device built by Apple, or you can also be more adventurous and go to check on live a gig of Manzana. The Tampere based rock band has just released their second album Babies of Revolution, and we had the chance to shoot some questions to their vocalist, Piritta, while they were immersed in a mini-Baltic tour.

Taking advantage of my stay in Estonia, and the band had a gig in the city of Parnu, the meeting with Manzana was planned in Tartu. But transportation does not always work as planned, so we did not have the chance to meet face to face this time. In any case Piritta was very kind to answer the questions of FREE! Magazine a few days later, and talk more about this emerging project called Manzana.

Thanks a lot for your attention Piritta. How were these concerts in the Baltic countries, in Riga and Pärnu? Had you played before here in these countries?

Hello and sorry for not meeting in Tartu as we first meant to! We missed the boat….We have not played in either country before, so it was exciting to play there! All went good, we felt really welcome and there were many people in the audience and lovely folks we met after the shows, also press, so we are really happy!

As a native Spanish I am, I am curious to know about the origins of the name of your band “Manzana”.

I studied Spanish a few years ago , just very little, and I remember writing down the word "Manzana Venenosa" , and  "La Manzana Magica" on my notebook on class. It was just a word I liked, and I thought it would make a good band name! I have to admit, that in the beginning I wasn’t sure what it meant hehe.  I think the meaning is good for pop – metal esthetics:  poisonous apple can be nice and fresh from the top, but after you bite….might kill you


Now you have a new studio album: Babies or Revolution. If you are so kind, explain to the readers a bit more about it, and the differences between this and the previous one Nothing a Whole as a Broken Heart

The debut is a bit more gothic and poppy, in colors I see more pink, blue and ice in there,  while Babies Of Revolution is more rocky and down to earth; red, gold, sand and blood. Lyrically and emotion wise they are quite the same; loneliness’ of a soul, anger & blind believe in fate and love.

The previous album was made with TRC-Records and now you are signed to Dynamic Art Records. Do you find many differences with this change? How is the relation with DAR?

We released the first album with our own TRC- Records, but we had Playground International to deliver it, so it wasn’t like we had to do all the work, but of course there was really a lot of things we did ourselves then. But that’s what we like, the punk  “Do It Yourself “ thinking. Now, when making this album, we had meetings with DAR , and they knew about things, commented , helped and did work on promotion and so on, so it’s been nice. They are a small label, but the guys do a lot of work and they’re nice people, so we are happy.

You are from Tampere, which is my favorite Finnish city (I have lived 3.5 years there in total). Which venues do you think that are the best ones to play there?

Really!! That’s not very common, it’s a small town after all ! That’s great! Then you know them all :  Klubi, Amadeus, Telakka, Inferno, Doris, Vastavirta, Hellä, Dogs Home….I like a lot a lot of places! For food, Namaskar and Gopal. To play, for a band like Manzana, Klubi is the best sound wise, but Sputnik and Yo- talo are not that bad either. For a party with friends, I rather go to little pubs like Oluthuone or Piika ja Renki.

In previous tours, you have been on the road with old friends of FREE! Magazine, like Apulanta or Lovex, and others like Teräsbetoni. Is there any particular band you have good chemistry with when touring together?

We had much fun with Lovex in Germany & Switzerland, they really are great guys. We feed musically from different sources, but somehow we fit together real well! Good band. We have played with many bands; there are always some good new angles when getting together with someone different. You find new sides in your own music, too. If you play with a punk band, you feel like screaming more yourself, if you are playing with a Goth band, the audience is more into that stuff, and it affects on us too. It’s refreshing.

Lately there is a big “metal” boom in Finland, and it seems that there are new bands behind every corner. For example, there are several metal bands with female singers from Tampere like Moonmadness or Cyan Velven Project, etc. Do you find complicated, being a young band trying to find more space in the music business, to find success with so tight competence in Finland nowadays?

I don’t think about it. I’m a bad businesswoman, and I’m too dumb to feel threatened or competed!  I’m just proud and happy for other girls & bands that they are good ! Others success is not away from me, it is always more for everyone when someone makes it big, it pulls others into the same wave. It gets energy up. And all we can do is love music and work on it every day, play all gigs as good as we can, and talk to all people, and the rest is open.

Ville, “Mr Willy”, your old bass player, was replaced in October 2007 by Klasu.  Is it ok if you can tell us what were the reasons behind this?

The problem was that Ville could not play the gigs we had, because he works as a DJ in many places.  So we had to have substitutes all the time, because everyone knows that you get paid better for DJ´n or playing cover songs rather than your own music, so it was a difficult combination for us. We’re still friends, no arguments happened, just impossible equation.  You have to be a little crazy and make sacrifices to play your own stuff; it’s hard to make a living out of it. Our other life suffers from this!


I read in your MySpace that your cousin Ansku is in the finals of Idols. Have you ever thought you would like to be there too?

I just spoke with Rainer (Diablo) at a party, that it is good that there was no Idols when we started, we would have been thrown out immediately ! There are many good singers, there! I might be too stubborn for that competition. I want to write with the band, have a band of my own, I don’t want people to fuzz around my hair and to tell me what to do. I know there are old men out there (judges & their friends) who write better songs (and get the money), but that’s not the point. I love our songs.  Rock´n Roll is an illusion of freedom, but the freedom is also when you are inside the music, creating it. Ansku dropped out as 5th, good publicity and more freedom as an artist. Best possible combination! I’m proud of her, she did well!

There is also a mention there in the comment of MySpace to her singing Animal Alpha. Did you have the chance to see them playing last summer at Klubi? (We made an interview with them)

No I didn’t see them, but I like the band! I don’t think that Agnete would have won the Idols either!  You cannot scream like that for 29 gigs … Or… Oh yes I can, just did, hehe

Thinking about Animal Alpha, I also remembered how their singer Agnete was so powerful and aggressive on stage and very shy offstage. When you are on stage, you also transmit an image of powerful and confident woman. Are you the same when you jump offstage, or does it happen that you also become more shy when not singing?

I am very kind when not singing, not shy though, but more patient. I hardly ever yell at people, but if they get unfair I get it straight immediately. I have been lied a lot when I was younger, all sorts of slime bags around this jungle when you are young and innocent, that I see quite fast what people try nowadays and just don’t work with them. The problem is how to keep sensitivity that you need for writing, and to be hard so that people don’t fool you. I still haven’t quite solved the problem and I probably won’t in this life, hehe. Heartache is the price…

What are the plans for Manzana in 2009, anything special? Anything you want to add for our readers?

Touring, gigs, interview, meeting new friends, finding new places and fans and friends and writing new songs! Hopefully good festival setting for the summer, and shows in central Europe and Scandinavia too. And plenty of good will and cider =). I can’t wait for summer festivals, swimming in a lake after a gig! Can’t get any better!

Photos by Mia Bergius, Ville Salminen and Balsara

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Misc News

Gamma Ray and the Finnish keyboarder

Albums Music

Bullfrog Brown – Mother River Delta + Twelve Live Warthogs

{mosimage}The most famous Estonian blues band strikes powerfully back in 2008 with two new and superb albums.

There have been significance changes in the structure of Bullfrog Brown, with the departure of long-time harp player Üllar Kärt at the end of 200, and the band now settled as a duo composed by Alar Kriisa on vocals and Andres Roots on guitar, but the essence remains the same, if not better, leaving the two remaining members more freedom to jam and join forces with other musicians such as British harpist Steve Lury or the Scottish Dave Arcari. 

The young talented Estonian bluesmen feature a new studio album: Mother River Delta. Condensed in less than 20 minutes of total playing time, Alar and Andres go straight to business playing raw Delta Blues. No time here for excessive ornamentation in the sound. The guys know what they want to deliver, and they do it fast: Alar´s broken voice sounds like if he was just born to sing Blues, and Andres pushes firmly mastering the strings of the guitar.  These are not recently composed songs; actually the excellent introductory Nobody the Skull dates back to 1996 and the rest of songs have been composed at different years during the last decade. The follow-up track, Special Rider, has a catchy wiping guitar riff that surely makes you move your feet and this leads to 30, my favourite track of the album, with acid lyrics and a perfect graduation of the musical tempo.

The album decreases a bit in intensity during its second part, but the ending Rain definitely puts the cherry on top of the cake creating a relaxed musical atmosphere that transports your instantly to the Mississippi delta. The message transmitted by the album seems clear; while with their previous Snakes and Devils, details aimed at trying to delight bigger audiences, this time the guys just want to show that they do not give a damn about playing other thing that what they really love to, Delta Blues with roots (and with guts). Mother River Delta was released last April while the band hit the stages of London, but if you do not have it yet, do not waste your time waiting for 2009 to get one copy! 

Added to the previous one, and just released in the market, you also have the chance to listen to the new official live bootleg of the Bullfrog: Twelve Live Warthogs. It combines 6 tracks recorded on June 26th 2008 at Tampere Maja (Tartu) with 6 more recorded during their show on December 13th 2007 at Trehv (Tartu). The record compiles a great collection of songs that give you a good idea of how they sound live, with that tiny shy guy that Alar is totally transformed when holding the micro, like if he would be the Dr Jekyll/Mr Hide of the Estonian blues scene. Great anthems of the band like Build me a Statue, Phantom Menace or Snakes Were Gettin’ are compulsorily included there, sounding better than ever, and as a special surprise the final track includes the improvised song: Papa Wolf. 

Who said blues is dead? Bullfrog Brown’s music just leads you to hold a good bottle of whisky and think about an old lost love. In the end it is all about the Blues.    

Rating 4/5


Cinema DVD

The Grand

{mosimage}Films about poker and gambling are hot in Hollywood lately. If you enjoy the fascinating world of professional poker tournaments, you will have fun watching this.

It seems that the fever of online poker has also had a deep impact in Hollywood projects. During last year we had the luck of watching very entertaining movies like Lucky You or 21, recreating graciously the atmosphere of Las Vegas casinos. Giving a new twist to the genre, here you have a very entertaining movie to watch starring the reborn Woody Harrelson, matching perfectly his role of crazy-headed gambler addicted to all possible drugs and excesses you can imagine, and with an almost never ending list of ex-wives.  Together with him, a solid cast of secondary roles, with the highlighted presence of German director and actor Werner Herzog and his unmistakable voice.

Shot as a kind of documentary with lots of improvisation by the actors, that parodies the poker tournaments that are achieving so much success lately in mainstream Sport TV channels, the film is funny and intelligent, exploding the freaky side of being a professional poker player, but not going over the top. Hidden in the background, more serious topics like family relations or the change in the lifestyle of Las Vegas are also treated with sarcasm.

Although The Grand is not the best comedy of the last 20 years as it announces in the back of the DVD plastic box, it is certainly entertaining, being a pleasure to watch as Woody Harrelson is able to impulse his career again with a good choice of role. Pay also special attention to the cameo by one of the most legendary poker players alive: Doyle Brunson.

Rating 4/5. 

Albums Music

Dirty Fingernails – Greetings from Finsbury Park, N4

{mosimage}Sending greetings from their new local neighborhood, this brother/sister duo from Kajaani is focused on conquering the Finnish indie pop market! 




Well, it is true that when you cannot beat the system, you have to change the strategy. Disappointed by the lack of recognition in their native country, Sami and Päivi packed their stuff and headed to London one year ago. And certainly, the experience of playing and surviving in the English capital must have enriched their talent, because their first full length is simply superb. It has everything you can expect from an indie pop band: great lyrics, some mischief and overall the transmitted feeling of having a great fun! 

The first song A European Scream is basically blowing, I just instantly loved it, and although I would have chosen some other more charismatic tracks than Bruno for being the first single, (maybe it could have worked better as second one), the album just improves and improves the more you listen to it. Marianne Faithfull is a great wink to an alive music legend and the fun goes on and on with catchy tracks like Chop Suey or the ending cherry on top of the cake, the sweet The World Comes for a Visit

There is of course space for some traditional Finnish melancholia here in the album, but poured into your ears in a way that feels like grabbing a beer and exclaiming “what the fuck, let’s forget and enjoy the present”.  

English are lucky counting with Dirty Fingernails there, so we just hope that soon they will invade back their native country to make us share that good vibe. A great debut album! 

Rating 4/5.

Related articles:

Interview with Sami

Misc News

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